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All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.



  • Web3EthExecutionAPI export (#5441)
  • Web3NetAPI export (#5441)
  • EthPersonalAPI export (#5441)


  • Web3APISpec, Web3APIMethod, and Web3APIParams now supports unknown APIs (#5393)



  • These types were moved from web3-eth-accounts to web3-types package: Cipher, CipherOptions, ScryptParams, PBKDF2SHA256Params, KeyStore (#5581 )


  • Make the request method of EIP1193Provider class, compatible with EIP 1193 (#5591)



  • tsc compiled files moved to lib/ directory from dist/ (#5739)
  • These types were added: ProviderRpcError, EthSubscription, ProviderMessage, ProviderConnectInfo (#5683)



  • Add TransactionWithFromLocalWalletIndex, TransactionWithToLocalWalletIndex and TransactionWithFromAndToLocalWalletIndex types (#5731)



  • Added types from web3-eth-abi and TypedArray from (#5771)
  • Added TypedArray from web3-utils and web3-validator (it was defined twice) (#5771)
  • Added safe and finalized block tags in BlockTags and BlockTag types (#5823)



  • Added hybrid build (ESM and CJS) of library (#5904)
  • Added source files (#5956)


  • data property in TransactionOutput was renamed to input (#5915)
  • The method signTransaction inside Web3BaseWalletAccount is now utilizing the type Transaction for its argument. (#5993)
  • The types FMT_NUMBER, NumberTypes, FMT_BYTES, ByteTypes, DataFormat, DEFAULT_RETURN_FORMAT, ETH_DATA_FORMAT and FormatType moved from web3-utils. (#5993)
  • The types ContractInitOptions, NonPayableCallOptions and PayableCallOptions are moved from web3-eth-contract. (#5993)



  • Added filters param to the Filter type (#6010)
  • Added types JsonRpcSubscriptionResultOld, Web3ProviderMessageEventCallback. Added .on('data') type support for old providers (#6082)
  • Export for HardforksOrdered enum (#6102)
  • Export for Web3ValidationErrorObject type (#6102)


  • Removed chainId, to, data & input properties from NonPayableCallOptions
  • Replaced Buffer for Uint8Array (#6004)
  • types FMT_BYTES.BUFFER, Bytes and FormatType and encryption option types for salt and iv has replaced support for Buffer for Uint8Array (#6004)
  • Added internalType property to the AbiParameter type.