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Using Wallet of Eth Node

If Eth node have unlocked account in its wallet you can send transaction without need of signing locally in web3.js

Eth Transaction

// First step: initialize web3 instance
import Web3 from 'web3';
const web3 = new Web3(/* PROVIDER*/);

// Second step: add an account to the Ethereum node and unlock it
const account = {
privateKey: '0xb45b02f408a0dd0996aab2b55a54f4ed7735f82b133c0786a9ff372ffaaf11bd',
address: '0xe4beef667408b99053dc147ed19592ada0d77f59',

// if you use ganache backend, use a private key with 0x
await web3.eth.personal.importRawKey(account.privateKey);
// if you use geth backend, use a private key without 0x
await web3.eth.personal.importRawKey(account.privateKey.slice(2));

// unlock account
await web3Personal.unlockAccount(account.address, 'anyPassword', 100000000);
// Make sure the account has enough eth on balance to send the transaction

// Third step: sign and send the transaction
try {
const receipt = await web3.eth.sendTransaction({
from: account.address,
to: '0xe4beef667408b99053dc147ed19592ada0d77f59',
value: '0x1',
gas: '300000',
// other transaction's params
} catch (error) {
// catch transaction error

List of references:

Contract Transaction

// First step: initialize web3 instance
import Web3 from 'web3';
const web3 = new Web3(/* PROVIDER*/);

// Second step: add an account to the Ethereum node and unlock it
const account = {
privateKey: '0xb45b02f408a0dd0996aab2b55a54f4ed7735f82b133c0786a9ff372ffaaf11bd',
address: '0xe4beef667408b99053dc147ed19592ada0d77f59',

// if you use ganache backend, use a private key with 0x
await web3.eth.personal.importRawKey(account.privateKey);
// if you use geth backend, use a private key without 0x
await web3.eth.personal.importRawKey(account.privateKey.slice(2));

// unlock account
await web3.eth.personal.unlockAccount(account.address, 'anyPassword', 100000000);
// Make sure the account has enough eth on balance to send the transaction

// Third step: sign and send the transaction
try {
// deploy
const contract = new web3.eth.Contract(ContractAbi);
const contractDeployed = await contract
input: ContractBytecode,
arguments: ['Constructor param1', 'Constructor param2'],
from: account.address,
gas: '1000000',
// other transaction's params

// call method
await contractDeployed.methods
.transfer('0xe2597eb05cf9a87eb1309e86750c903ec38e527e', '0x1')
from: account.address,
gas: '1000000',
// other transaction's params
} catch (error) {
// catch transaction error

List of references: